

| Comments



public class CustomerService {

    private CustomerDAO customerDAO;

    private final String defaultTableNameForCustomer = "customer";
    private String tableName = defaultTableNameForCustomer;

    public void setTableName(String tableName) {
        this.tableName = tableName;

    public void addCustomer(Customer customer) throws DuplicateCustomerException {
        customerDAO.addCustomer(customer, tableName);

    public Customer getCustomer(String nickname) throws CustomerNotFoundException {
        return customerDAO.getCustomer(nickname, tableName);

    public void withdraw(String nickname, double balanceToWithdraw) throws BalanceOverdrawException {
        customerDAO.withdrawBalance(nickname, balanceToWithdraw, tableName);

    public void deposit(String nickname, double balance) {
        customerDAO.deposit(nickname, balance, tableName);


public class CustomerDAO {

    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    public void createTable(String tableName) {
        jdbcTemplate.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tableName);
        jdbcTemplate.execute("CREATE TABLE " + tableName + "(" + "nickname VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL ," +
                "dateOfBirth DATETIME NOT NULL," + "balance DOUBLE NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY(nickname)" + ");");

    public void addCustomer(Customer customer, String tableName) throws DuplicateCustomerException {
        String SQL = "insert into " + tableName + "(nickname, dateOfBirth, balance) values (?, ?, ?)";
        try {
            jdbcTemplate.update(SQL, new Object[]{customer.getNickname(), customer.getDateOfBirth(), customer.getBalance()});
        } catch (DuplicateKeyException exception) {
            throw new DuplicateCustomerException("Customer with nickname " + customer.getNickname() + " has already existed");

    public Customer getCustomer(String nickname, String tableName) throws CustomerNotFoundException {
        String SQL = "select * from " + tableName + " where nickname = ?";
        Customer customer;
        try {
            customer = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(SQL, new Object[]{nickname}, new CustomerMapper());
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException exception) {
            throw new CustomerNotFoundException("Customer with nickname " + nickname + " is not found");
        return customer;

    public Double getBalance(String nickname, String tableName) {
        String SQL = "select balance from " + tableName + " where nickname = ?";
        double balance = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(SQL, new Object[]{nickname}, Double.class);
        return balance;

    public void withdrawBalance(String nickname, double balanceToWithdraw, String tableName) throws BalanceOverdrawException {
        double balanceBefore = getBalance(nickname, tableName);
        double balanceAfter = balanceBefore - balanceToWithdraw;

        if (balanceAfter < 0) {
            throw new BalanceOverdrawException("You have only " + balanceBefore + "$. You can not withdraw " + balanceToWithdraw + "$");

        String SQL = "update " + tableName + " set balance = ? where nickname = ?";

        jdbcTemplate.update(SQL, new Object[]{balanceAfter, nickname});

    public void deposit(String nickname, double balanceToDeposit, String tableName) {
        double balanceBefore = getBalance(nickname, tableName);
        double balanceAfter = balanceBefore + balanceToDeposit;

        String SQL = "update " + tableName + " set balance = ? where nickname = ?";
        jdbcTemplate.update(SQL, new Object[]{balanceAfter, nickname});




